Monday, August 18, 2008
"Scientists have officially declared life to be completely chaotic" ... did I miss something?? didnt we know that already? =)
"While there's no universally accepted definition of chaos, chaotic phenomena generally have three characteristics: They display highly disordered behavior-like the random branching of a lightening bolt or the twirling path of a falling leaf, they can change dramatically in response to insignificant events - a normally functioning heart, for instance, may suddenly start to beat erratically if a few random neurons fire out of sync; and chaotic phenomena may actually follow patterns that are detectable-if you look closely."
"Chaos theory attempts to explain the fact that complex and unpredictable results can and will occur in systems that are sensitive to their initial conditions. A common example of this is known as the Butterfly Effect. It states that, in theory, the flutter of a butterfly's wings in China could, in fact, actually effect weather patterns in New York City, thousands of miles away. In other words, it is possible that a very small occurance can produce unpredictable and sometimes drastic results by triggering a series of increasingly significant events. "
"So...what's the use of chaos?Chaos raises many interesting philosophical issues and can lead to many fruitful mathematical investigations. But is it of any use? Well, yes. The heart is thought to behave chaotically when it goes into fibrillation after a heart attack. Intense study is going on to see whether chaos theory can help predict this and to design pacemakers to restore a fibrillating heart to its normal regularity. Car brakes squealing occur in a chaotic pattern: in this case, randomness is less destructive than regular mechanical wearing. Some modern encryption systems use chaotic signals. Fractals (closely related to chaotic maps) are very important in computer graphics. Lasers, power systems, fluid motions, disease epidemics, car suspensions, capsizing ships and particle accelerators, all depend on chaos. However, to answer our first question, chaos cannot be used to predict the future. As far as I know nothing can do that! "
I was trying to find an article talking about chaos in our everyday lives but so far no luck. It just weird how sometimes people tend to see their lifes drawn in and predictect, with a future plan. And then something comes along and sweeps those plans under the rug creating chaos. But even better is how thanks to that chaos people find things that were missing and start drawing a new future.................................only to be swept away again!!!.... order in chaos! Gotta love this subject.
Sometimes I tend to think that life seems chaotic not because it intrinsically is, but because we can't completely understand all its the variables.
Then again, who knows if we are seeing through a small window and we only get tiny picture of reality...
Certainly this is a very interesting subject.
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