Bush drunk at the Olympics??

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Judge for yourself....

More images here.

The Zen Marketing

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The wonders of marketing and mass consumism. Interesting little article about how something that might bring some knowledge to people has been used to increase someone´s company sells... and if you think about it, everything is like this... buy, buy, buy... and there i go!

Truth in the form of a lie.

..."Zen candles, Zen alarm clocks, Zen gardens that come in a box, and so on. Would you like a Zen screen protector? How about the Creative Zen 4GB Digital Player? Or audio treats such as The Zen of Golf, Husker Du's Zen Arcade, or The Zen of Screaming: Vocal Instruction for a New Breed?"

"how ideas that are originally mystical or esoteric make their way into mass culture. How do these ideas get out? And what do such ostensibly terrible things as commercialization and vulgarization have to do with this process? "

"The point I'm making is not about Zen as such, but rather that these ideas leak into the mass culture in the form of cliches, slogans, and trinkets. As Gurdjieff said, they have to.

There is one little detail that complicates matters a bit. Supposedly there are the enlightened masters and the endarkened masses of mankind. Supposedly. But as a matter of fact, each of us has both of these levels in us. There is a part of the mind that is illumined (the problem is that the conscious mind usually isn't in touch with it). There is also a part of the mind that isn't illumined; it's naïve and mechanical. It only takes seriously what it can see and feel and touch. It may not like meditation but it may warm at the sight of a sacred picture or even a crystal. Yet this part of the mind is just as necessary to our functioning as are higher levels of consciousness.

Which all means, I suppose, that there's no reason to chide yourself for your collection of sacred crystals and feathers or to throw away your Zen alarm clock. Who knows? You may find one day that it wakes you up in more ways than one. "

On a little side note... i did a quick search on Amazon.com for "Zen"... and yeah... you can just imagine!

Scientists have officially declared life to be completely chaotic!

Monday, August 18, 2008

"Scientists have officially declared life to be completely chaotic" ... did I miss something?? didnt we know that already? =)

"While there's no universally accepted definition of chaos, chaotic phenomena generally have three characteristics: They display highly disordered behavior-like the random branching of a lightening bolt or the twirling path of a falling leaf, they can change dramatically in response to insignificant events - a normally functioning heart, for instance, may suddenly start to beat erratically if a few random neurons fire out of sync; and chaotic phenomena may actually follow patterns that are detectable-if you look closely."

Complete aricle.

"Chaos theory attempts to explain the fact that complex and unpredictable results can and will occur in systems that are sensitive to their initial conditions. A common example of this is known as the Butterfly Effect. It states that, in theory, the flutter of a butterfly's wings in China could, in fact, actually effect weather patterns in New York City, thousands of miles away. In other words, it is possible that a very small occurance can produce unpredictable and sometimes drastic results by triggering a series of increasingly significant events. "

Finding Order in Chaos.

"So...what's the use of chaos?Chaos raises many interesting philosophical issues and can lead to many fruitful mathematical investigations. But is it of any use? Well, yes. The heart is thought to behave chaotically when it goes into fibrillation after a heart attack. Intense study is going on to see whether chaos theory can help predict this and to design pacemakers to restore a fibrillating heart to its normal regularity. Car brakes squealing occur in a chaotic pattern: in this case, randomness is less destructive than regular mechanical wearing. Some modern encryption systems use chaotic signals. Fractals (closely related to chaotic maps) are very important in computer graphics. Lasers, power systems, fluid motions, disease epidemics, car suspensions, capsizing ships and particle accelerators, all depend on chaos. However, to answer our first question, chaos cannot be used to predict the future. As far as I know nothing can do that! "

I was trying to find an article talking about chaos in our everyday lives but so far no luck. It just weird how sometimes people tend to see their lifes drawn in and predictect, with a future plan. And then something comes along and sweeps those plans under the rug creating chaos. But even better is how thanks to that chaos people find things that were missing and start drawing a new future.................................only to be swept away again!!!.... order in chaos! Gotta love this subject.

The Ultimate American Dollar Collapse

Friday, August 15, 2008

U.S. Economy and Financial System Bankrupt

Thursday, August 14, 2008

What is the "Third Eye"?

Monday, August 11, 2008

Our eyes are the viewers of reality, or at least what we think is reality
In the physical body, your eyes look outward - though it views objects upside down. It next sends the message of what it observes... to the brain, which interprets the image and makes it appear right side up to us.

But the human body has another physical eye, whose function has long been recognized by humanity. It is called the 'Third Eye' which in reality, is the Pineal Gland. It is the Spiritual Third Eye, our Inner Vision, and it is considered the Seat of the Soul. It is locatedin the geometric center of the cranium.

This gland is activated by Light, and it controls the various biorhythms of the body.It works in harmony with the hypothalamus gland, which directs the body's thirst, hunger, sexual desire and the biological clock, that determines our aging process.
When the pineal gland awakens, one feels a pressure at the base of the brain. This pressure will often be experienced, when connecting to higher frequency. A head injury, can also activate the Third Eye - Pineal Gland.

While the physiological function of the pineal gland, has been unknown until recent times, mystical traditions and esoteric schools, have long known, this areain the middle of the brain, to be the connecting link... between the physical and spiritual worlds.

The third eye and the pineal gland.

More on: Opening the third eye.

News: Melting Ice...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I dont believe in Global Warming caused by people... maybe there is something bigger happening out there and we are just trying to find someone to blame. Yes we have and still keep polluting the only place we can call home... and of course we are going to have to pay for it.

" Even greater climate change could be on the way. Growing numbers of scientists fear that the warming trend will so disrupt ocean circulation patterns that the Gulf Stream, the current that warms large parts of the northern hemisphere, could temporarily shut down. If that happens, global warming would, ironically, produce global cooling ~ and bring on a deep freeze

From: Artic Ice Meltdown will lead to a Global Freeze

More news:

Power of the Mind as Healer Shown By Pioneering Scientist

Monday, August 4, 2008

This article is not about the New wave of people that say about just thinking positive they will make a difference... this guy is actually backing that with scientific information... interesting!

"He set up New Awakenings, giving talks and workshops about the power of the mind over the body. While many new-age types talk about positive thinking, Hamilton is different, in that he gives listeners a view based on the latest developments in chemistry, biology and physics. By presenting arguments backed by science, he hopes to motivate people to work on their minds in order to improve their health: "With faith, hope and determination people can change the state of their health, life and world".

"I have found around 500 scientific papers from mainstream academic journals which directly talk about the effect that thought, feeling and faith have on the body’s systems," he says. Recent research into spontaneous remissions from cancer found that a radical change of belief system seemed to be a common factor. While few would argue with the idea that a good attitude can speed the healing process, Hamilton believes emotions, such as happiness, can change DNA."

"Hamilton says: "About 99.9 per cent of our genes are exactly the same. The differences between us are determined by whether our genes are switched on or off. "There is a whole branch of medicine called psycho-neuro-immunology, which studies the effect of thoughts and emotions on our biochemistry. The biochemistry is intimately connected with the DNA, so if these biologichemical components are affected by thoughts and emotions then thoughts and emotions must also affect our DNA."

Complete article

Prophesy: 3 days of Darkness & Photon Belt

Friday, August 1, 2008

So…just as general culture, I will try to post here and there some information about some prophesies I have found, not only Mayans but just generals… at the end, everyone chooses to believe whatever they want, I’m just passing on the information.

“According to this every 10,700 years, Our solar system passes through a 2100 year-wide belt of highly charged ion particles known as the photon belt.”

“The core of the photon belt beliefs is that a an immense belt of photons exists, and orbits around the Pleiades, a star cluster some 440 light years away from Earth, composed of some 500 stars. According to some New Age beliefs, Earth will pass though this belt, resulting in either Humanity's elevation to a higher plain of existence or the end of the world”

“The Three Days of Darkness are not about fear and panic, but relate to Earth's ascension into the Fourth Dimension. Please understand that this is merely an attempt to prepare you for the ascension process. The Shift is about love, and any fear that you feel is what you have chosen. Choose wisely, my friends, for the Shift will be the beginning of an awakening to behold!”

“These Three Days of Darkness actually pertain to Mother Earth's entry into the Photon Belt. This event will involve three days of darkness, and this will herald the beginning of the Shift, or ascension, into the Fourth Dimension. “
Links with more information:
The Photon Belt and the New Era Of Light
Wikipedia on Photon Belt
Three Days of Darkness by Joseph Montagna
Three Days of Darkness (Catholic church)

The Galactic Butterfly - by Templates para novo blogger