Tuesday, July 29, 2008
1.) Actions Speak Louder than Words.
Gratitude is like a personal shopping list for the Universe. Taking actions rooted in gratitude is like adding italics, bold type and highlighting. It will get the attention of your Universal shopper.
2.) Get in the Flow.
Acting on your gratitude is a way of circulating this energetic wealth. Think of it this way: the Universe has given each of us a cup with free, unlimited refills. Can you refill your cup if it is still full? No. What happens if you keep it full for days. It begins to get nasty and stagnant. So, drink it up! Give it to others. Share the wealth! By pouring our wealth unto others, we make room for more ourselves.
3.) You Get What You Give.
There is a Universal Law that says you get what you give, times ten. In other words, you can never give away more than you receive. Oprah has been trying to out-give the Universe for years. We’ve watched it return to her ten-fold, time and time again. So, giving away nasty, negative vibes? I’m guessing you aren’t too happy with what you are receiving. Giving away love, love, and more love? I’d love to hang out with you! Seek to demonstrate this law for yourself. Start giving away some love and gratitude and watch yourself be filled to overflowing.
4.) Conscious Action = Mindfulness
When we consciously take action, we activate and expand our capacity for mindfulness. We put ourselves in a position to better witness our actions. This is the essence of mindfulness—becoming the witness. From this space we begin to see our actions clearly and can witness them as being either in alignment with our desires and idea of Self, or not.
5.) Be in your NOW.
Conscious Action = Mindfulness = the Present Moment. When we are taking conscious action, we place our attention fully on the moment at hand.
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