US trying to provoke war with Iran.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

... hmm... wouldnt be the first time they try to provoke a war like this... but then again!! who knows whats true and what is not!...

To Provoke War, Cheney Considered Proposal To Dress Up Navy Seals As Iranians And Shoot At Them
Think Progress July 31, 2008

HERSH: There was a dozen ideas proffered about how to trigger a war. The one that interested me the most was why don’t we build — we in our shipyard — build four or five boats that look like Iranian PT boats. Put Navy seals on them with a lot of arms. And next time one of our boats goes to the Straits of Hormuz, start a shoot-up.

Might cost some lives. And it was rejected because you can’t have Americans killing Americans. That’s the kind of — that’s the level of stuff we’re talking about. Provocation. But that was rejected.

For the complete article.

It's in Every One of Us

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A 5 minute clip gazing into the eyes of many people. Pretty cool video.

5 Reasons to Act on Your Gratitude

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

1.) Actions Speak Louder than Words.

Gratitude is like a personal shopping list for the Universe. Taking actions rooted in gratitude is like adding italics, bold type and highlighting. It will get the attention of your Universal shopper.

2.) Get in the Flow.
Acting on your gratitude is a way of circulating this energetic wealth. Think of it this way: the Universe has given each of us a cup with free, unlimited refills. Can you refill your cup if it is still full? No. What happens if you keep it full for days. It begins to get nasty and stagnant. So, drink it up! Give it to others. Share the wealth! By pouring our wealth unto others, we make room for more ourselves.

3.) You Get What You Give.
There is a Universal Law that says you get what you give, times ten. In other words, you can never give away more than you receive. Oprah has been trying to out-give the Universe for years. We’ve watched it return to her ten-fold, time and time again. So, giving away nasty, negative vibes? I’m guessing you aren’t too happy with what you are receiving. Giving away love, love, and more love? I’d love to hang out with you! Seek to demonstrate this law for yourself. Start giving away some love and gratitude and watch yourself be filled to overflowing.

4.) Conscious Action = Mindfulness
When we consciously take action, we activate and expand our capacity for mindfulness. We put ourselves in a position to better witness our actions. This is the essence of mindfulness—becoming the witness. From this space we begin to see our actions clearly and can witness them as being either in alignment with our desires and idea of Self, or not.

5.) Be in your NOW.
Conscious Action = Mindfulness = the Present Moment. When we are taking conscious action, we place our attention fully on the moment at hand.

Link here.

When Fear Inhibits Love

Saturday, July 26, 2008

I loved this text... so I thought I would share it.

When Fear Inhibits Love
by John Welshons

When we ask God for something, our prayers of petition are offered in two primary ways: 1) we ask to have something we want or to achieve something we want to possess; or 2) we ask to not have things and experiences we don't want.

We ask God to give us health, financial security, peace of mind, harmonious relationships, success, and protection from danger. Or we ask God to take away illness, financial difficulties, sadness, and exposure to peril. Sometimes we pray for our loved ones.

If we examine our motives honestly, we will usually find that there is some form of fear inspiring our prayers. We are afraid of something. And we are asking to be protected from whatever we are afraid of.

The fear that inspires us to pray actually gives us the most significant clue in our efforts to understand unanswered prayer. When our prayers aren't answered the way we want them to be, we often have to experience the things of which we are afraid. We are forced to confront our fear.

All fear arises from lack of trust in the universe. There are many experiences we just don't want. We are afraid that if we experience them, happiness will become impossible. We won't be safe. We may be emotionally shattered. Our life will be incomplete, unfulfilling, or more difficult than we are prepared for.

For the complete article here...

The Real Secret

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Your emergency personal power source by S.K. Smith

Your intentions may not be able to completely control the world around you… but you can control how you react to it.

Over the past few years, The Secret and other books/movies/philosophies like it have brought the power of intention into our cultural consciousness, and that's a great thing - on a global scale. After all, taking personal responsibility for our circumstances and how we get into them is a key component to leading an enriched, abundant and participatory life. But what about when bad things happen to genuinely well-intentioned people? Natural disasters, corporate lay offs, freak accidents - things that are beyond our control occur all the time, often without any notice. It's in these situations where the real secret comes into play. The fact is, no matter what you've heard, you cannot completely control the world around you (consider the luck of the draw into which we are born and the fact that all of us - not just some - have free will). But you can dictate how you react to outside occurrences good and bad.

It starts with self-confidence
The foundation for happiness in good times and remaining unshaken (or at least unbroken) in the face of adversity is a solid sense of self. If you've taken the time to know yourself - who you are, your strengths and weaknesses and what you stand for, not only will you find life in general more pleasant, but you'll find it easier when the firestorm hits. Just be warned, bravado is a far cry from self-assurance. Cocky people puff up their chests and proclaim their capabilities. Confident people just do it - and know enough to ask for help in the areas where someone else may do it better. Which brings us to…

Ask and you will receive
The power of intention, while not able to prevent a tsunami, is very much real if for no other reason than it dictates the actions you take to achieve the goal. So if you're faced with a situation where you need help, open yourself up to the possibility of it coming by asking for it - rather than indulging yourself in the fear that it won't come. Fear-based behavior is a self-fulfilling prophecy. In other words, if you spend your time living in your fear, you all but guarantee it will come true. Instead, ask for and have faith in the assistance you need, and it will be provided… even if it begins an increased sense of inner strength that you can handle all that comes your way.

Cultivate grace under pressure
Over-reacting to any situation is the best way to send the wrong signals to the universe. No matter how awful, work on maintaining composure. If this means you have to believe in the impossible, then do it - so long as you continue to implore the practical. What does that mean? If an accident empties your bank account and your fear is you won't be able to pay your mortgage, don't panic and go into a poverty mindset. Instead, have faith that the money will come while you take every step you can think of to ensure that it does. Remaining kind, respectful and grateful when stress is mounting, and it would be natural for fear to take over, sends the message that you operate from a place of love… and that is the best thing you can do to invite more positivity into your life, no matter what the circumstances.

Metaphysics & Zero Point Field

Monday, July 21, 2008

"Psychologist Christopher Holmes discussed the physics and metaphysics of higher consciousness and the mysteries of the heart. People have a divine spark within the heart, a kind of "zero point" center that corresponds to ideas in new science, he said. Humans work on the same physics that are applied to the universe, he explained, and consciousness is not just in the head but all through the body, and may be related to blood flow."

Radio Interview, Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Acceleration of Consciousness

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Includes an explanaition of the dimensions. Another interesting short video.

Do you know how many earthquakes are happening right now?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

There are so many more than we think... and not all of them are broadcasted on our local TV stations...

Worldwide Earthquake News

Earthquake hits near Greek islands (
Tuesday 15th of July 2008 05:12:37 AM
A strong earthquake struck Tuesday near Greek islands close to the Turkish coast, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Earthquake swarms jolt Luzon; new storm brews (Yehey!)
Tuesday 15th of July 2008 11:37:28 AM
LUZON residents experienced earthquake swarms, or about 378 aftershocks, in the wake of two main shocks on July 6 and 8 in Baler, Aurora province.

Magnitude-3.2 Earthquake Rattles Bakersfield (CBS 2 Los Angeles)
Tuesday 15th of July 2008 08:10:20 AM
A 3.2-magnitude earthquake has struck a sparsely populated area near Bakersfield but there are no reports of injuries or damage.

China's Sichuan hit by new earthquake (Russian Information Agency Novosti)
Tuesday 15th of July 2008 09:13:35 AM
BEIJING, July 15 (RIA Novosti) - An earthquake aftershock measuring 5.0 on the Richter scale struck China's southwest province of Sichuan on Tuesday, Xinhua news agency reported.

Learn How to Meditate

Monday, July 14, 2008

Awesome videos teaching how to meditate... 10 min each one.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

The Top 10 Ways to Raise Your Consciousness

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Life can be a GIFT or a NIGHTMARE, depending on where you choose to operate from consciously. Practiced regularly, the following 10 tips will assist you in shining your beautiful unique light so brightly that your resulting raised consciousness will be a GIFT to yourself, humanity, and the Cosmos.

1. Forgive yourself and others. - Life is too short to hold on to regrets, grudges, miscommunications, or disappointments.
2. Practice gratitude and appreciation. - Whatever you focus on grows. So, when you focus on every thing in your life you have to feel grateful for and all the wonderful people you appreciate, the universe hands you more to feel grateful about.
3. Live each day as though it were your last.
4. Meditate/Pray. - Open your direct link between yourself and the spiritual realm.
5. Suspend judgment. - One judges another to feel less guilty about one’s own misgivings.
6. View every experience as a GIFT. - See how even the worst situations you experienced in your life ended up teaching you invaluable lessons and therefore ended up putting you in the perfect place for your continuing development.
7. Stay consciously aware of all of your thoughts and feelings.
8. Treat your physical body as your temple.
9. View the world through the eyes of a child. - Never get enough of observing and experiencing this life.
10. Give LOVE, LOVE, LOVE from your heart. - It’s all about love. Do you remember the feeling of being in love for the first time? Why was it so wonderful? That’s because love is the highest vibration. Allow yourself to receive love unconditionally from others. Give love from your heart unconditionally to yourself and others, and you will experience the highest state of consciousness possible.

For the complete article.

Sea Level Rise...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

When you see those documentaries where they talk about the sea level rising and how many cities are going underwater... have you ever thought if your city is going to end up under the water?

Now you can check what would happen to your city with the following tool:

Real World Implications...

  • "currently, more than 200 million people live in coastal floodplains around the world, with two million square kilometres of land and one trillion dollars worth of assets less than one metre elevation above current sea level."
  • "Many of the world’s major cities (22 of the top 50) are at risk of flooding from coastal surges, including Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Mumbai, Kolkata, Karachi, Buenos Aires, St Petersburg, New York, Miami and London. In almost every case, the city relies on costly flood defences for protection. Even if protected, these cities would lie below sea level with a residual risk of flooding like New Orleans today."
  • "“The water supplies of dozens of major cities around the world are at risk from a previously ignored aspect of global warming. Within the next few decades rising sea levels will pollute underground water reserves with salt…"
For the complete article.

Time travel, possible?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Two Russian mathematicians have theorised that 2008 will be the first year time travel is possible, claiming the the giant atom-smasher at the European centre for nuclear research, Cern, near Geneva, could make it possible to travel backwards or forwards in time. Photo: Wormhole Benji64/Wikipedia

"Two Russian mathematicians have theorised that 2008 will be the first year time travel is possible, claiming the the giant atom-smasher at the European centre for nuclear research, Cern, near Geneva, could make it possible to travel backwards or forwards in time. The so-called wormhole is a theoretical joining of two portions of curved space-time which would transport an object into the future (or past) in an instant."

"As time travel can only go back, in theory, to the first ever time machine, explains the New Scientist, if the Russian mathematicians are correct, 2008 would be "Year Zero" and stand as a major landmark in world history."

"However as the New Scientist suggests, even though time travel is possible under the laws of physics, the difficulties of ever achieving this feat are immense. The Collider is also designed to study the nature of forces at a sub-atomic level and could therefore only be an accidental time machine. In other words, experts say though theoretically possible, time travel is considered highly unlikely."

Complete article.

The Day Out of Time - July 25th, 2008

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Day out of Time, celebrated annually always falls on July 25th. On the Mayan 13 Moon calendar, this day is no day of the month, and no day of the week. It is inbetween the closing of the previous year (July 24th) and the dawning of the new year (July 26th). This upcoming July 25th we are going to be closing the year of the "Wizard" and starting the year of the "Storm".

To many people the starting of the year of the storm means there will be a lot of movement and great changes on earth that involves water and earth, but also to all those who are still not seeking their inner balance this year will bring a lot of storms in the personal aspect.

This day is to work on the personal aspect, to meditate and celebrate it with the people we care about, to be united and not to be isolated from the rest of the world, that is why all around the world there will be meditations or celebrations to close a cycle and welcome a new one.

The 13 year cycle of the final judgment is arriving to its last 4 years, the changes will be bigger, and greater, and the masks of people will have to start fading... the storm will be violent, yes, but it will only bring "awakening" to the people...

There will be events conducted all over the world:
PAN-RAP Argentina / Queretaro, Mexico / Xalapa, Veracruz / Mexico City, Mexico / Alicante, Spain / Monterrey, Mexico / San Francisco Bay Area, California / Cape Town / Newark, NJ / Buenos Aires / Teotihuacan, Mexico / Durango, Mexico / Melbourne, Australia / Austin, Texas / La Plata Biorregion La Luna, Argentina / Riviera Maya, Quintana Roo / Soultzbach-les-Bains, France / Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada / Assende, Belgie / Durban, South Africa / Crystal Lake, Illinois / Landgoed de Horst, Driebergen / Bogota, Colombia

Full event invitation.

What is the day out of time?

Iran Test-Fires Missiles

2008... year zero! - 4 days until time travel might be possible?

Thursday, July 3, 2008

It seems like its going to be that way...! I wonder how long they kept this secret and how much money they invested in this thing.

So... year 2008 is going to officially become year Zero for time travelers.

The invention: Large Hadron Collider.

"Starting sometime next summer if all goes to plan, subatomic particles will begin shooting around a 17-mile underground ring stretching from the European Center for Nuclear Research, or Cern, near Geneva, into France and back again — luckily without having to submit to customs inspections."

“We are now on the endgame,” said Lyn Evans, of Cern, who has been in charge of the Large Hadron Collider, as it is called, since its inception. Call it the Hubble Telescope of Inner Space. Everything about the collider sounds, well, large — from the 14 trillion electron volts of energy with which it will smash together protons, its cast of thousands and the $8 billion it cost to build, to the 128 tons of liquid helium needed to cool the superconducting magnets that keep the particles whizzing around their track and the three million DVDs worth of data it will spew forth every year.

The World's Largest 'Time Machine' Finally Revealed – Federal Court Law Suit Filed

CERN completes 'world’s largest jigsaw puzzle'
"The European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) last Friday lowered into position the final major component of its Large Hadron Collider (LHC) - a 100-tonne "small" wheel which forms part of the ATLAS muon spectrometer."

If The Large Hadron Collider Produced A Microscopic Black Hole, It Probably Wouldn't Matter
"The LHC, near Geneva, Switzerland, is expected to begin operations this summer. It will collide proton beams at levels of energy never before produced in a particle accelerator. Those results will then be studied for clues to new forces of nature, and possibly even extra dimensions of space. The first collision of beams is likely to be in September. The $8 billion project has taken 14 years"

Could the Large Hadron Collider destroy Earth?

Update (July 9,08): The launch of the LHC has been posponed for a whole month now, you can see on the countdown webpage, as of today there is still 29 more days left to go.

Mayan knowledge about relationships.

I got this from my teacher last Thursday.

Every single relationship we are in, are a mirror or ourselves. Every single person we attract into our lives is here to teach us a lesson of something we need to heal.

7 Rules for good relationships:

1. Pure, clear, incondicional love… DOESNT EXIST!... it only exist within ourselves, we need to love and accept ourselves the way we are.

2. Ego/Personality will never fill you completely…which means, we usually go looking for someone that is going to cover up a hole or wound we have inside.

3. Forgive others because they don’t love you the way you wish they did… because everyone has a different definition of what is love and how it is demonstrated, because these definitions we leaned when we were little by watching at our parents “show each other how much they love”.

4. Stop looking for “the one”, the “blue prince”… because he/she doesn’t exist.

5. Don’t try to change others so they please you… no one can read your mind.

6. Every relationship we are in, reflects what is going on inside us… so we should look into our friends, partners, wives/husbands, how are they? What type of people we attract into our lives?... The way you treat yourself, is the way others will treat you.

7. Your relationships will change, when you change yourself.

More on 2012...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

So on one side we have a Mayan priest saying nothing is going to happen, and on the other side we have people saying that the Planet X/Niburu is what is going to happen.

I guess... "what we think about, we bring about"... so while I am very curious about all this happenings and information that is being spread on the internet, i am mostly working with myself to heal and become "transparent"... to become conscious about the world and the people around me, to expand my consciousness about life. Whatever happens, it is way better to be ready for the worst and expect the best than DO NOTHING AT ALL!...

On the other notes... i attach interviews from 2 different Mayan priests... I wonder if both are just fake people trying to get attention?... or not?

First aricle here.

"What is the significance of the Dec. 21, 2012 date in the Mayan calendar, or your intuitive sense of it as a Mayan priest. There was a program about it on the History channel, referring to the Doomsday in several cultures coinciding on this date. Is this a passage into a new way of life, rather than an end? What can you tell people about this fast-approaching date?"

"Nothing is going to happen in 2012. There is no Mayan prophecy about 2012. In addition to the Chol Qij the Mayans have various other calendar counts of lesser mantic importance. One of these is the Long Count, which is a continuous count in days since August 9th, 3114 BCE. The Long Count will reset to zero-zero-zero-zero-zero on December 21, 2012. But this is just a major calendar change – their equivalent of Y2K – with no more spiritual significance than the change of millenium had for us. This 2012 thing is being touted by some non-Mayans as a kind of New Age version of the Rapture: a miraculous transformation of human consciousness which sweeps humanity up into the clouds to escape the coming tribulation. But things don’t happen that way in real life. If there is a fundamental transformation in human consciousness, the way it will probably occur is that the environment and civilization will deteriorate over the next few decades. And then people will draw together and open their hearts to one another, as they do in the face of any natural catastrophe such as an earthquake or flood. When people lose their faith in the system and start listening to their own hearts is when the system will change. "

Second article here.

"The question-and-answer period was as intriguing as his speech. Someone asked about the date of 2012. Don Alejandro is respected as the greatest Mayan astrologer of his people. So it came as quite a surprise to hear him tell us that the date is not accurate. Going into great detail of how the jigsaw of the Gregorian calendar had been wrapped around the Mayan calendar to create this date, he stated that the date can not be determined with our calendar. Many of the 20 Mayan calendars that help make up the Long Calendar have been stolen or destroyed. So we can only approximate the time of the end of the Long Calendar."

For more information about Niburu you can see the following small clip:

How HAPPY are you?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Are you the happiest person you know? If not, why not? Most people will reel off their current worries — the job, the kids, the car, the price of fish. I don’t mean to sweep these aside: problems need to be solved, if you can, or waited out until they disappear . But as far as living happily is concerned you have to face a crucial fact. If you can only live happily after all your problems are solved, you are never going to live happily, because when today’s problems are gone and forgotten, others will take their place. So either living happily is just impossible, or you have to do it in spite of your problems.

Being happy depends not so much on external circumstances as on your inner life. This means all your thoughts, perceptions, beliefs, emotions, desires, dreams — your entire mental and emotional scene. Happiness is about how you react inwardly to events, what you think and believe, how you feel, how problems affect you. It may sound obvious, but like many obvious things it’s something that is often forgotten when it matters most. We focus almost exclusively on our external lives, on getting and spending and having fun, and then wonder why we are not happy. But it’s when our inner lives are tranquil that we are happiest and we call this inner peace.

So how is inner peace to be achieved? Is it a question of religion, perhaps, or yoga? These can certainly help but only if they have a positive effect on your inner life. The difficulty is that inner life is based on patterns and habits — some you were born with, most you have acquired . You don’t choose, occasion by occasion, how you respond inside when something happens....

This process is not something you can do overnight, it’s a whole new way of life, but the reward is what we all want most — happiness. There are five main skills you need to cultivate.

Mindfullness - ability to focus your thoughts in the present. (yeah right!!!)
Compassion - put yourself in their place and ask yourself what they might they be thinking or feeling to behave like that.
Story skills - Start to think of your beliefs as stories, and it is easier to accept that other things might be true as well, or even instead
Letting-go techniques - These are particularly helpful when we are unhappy not getting what we want. Generally, we are encouraged to keep wanting and to think that more will make us happier, whether it’s clothes or cars or even love. But wanting is a treadmill: as long as you have unsatisfied wants and desires you won’t be at peace, so to be happy you either have to satisfy all your desires, or let go of some of them. Letting-go skills also include forgiveness, which helps hugely if one of the things you think you want is revenge.
Enjoyment skills - This last group includes skills such as patience , humour and, especially, gratitude . You don’t have to be grateful to someone, it’s enough to cultivate gratitude for things.

Complete article here.

Go Your Own Way: Gnosis And The Fractal Spiral

You have to work on yourself before you can really get anywhere. No one can do it for you. The magical codex and the dimensional escape hatch remain firmly out of reach for now. The flame will burn those who are unable to hold it safely in their hands. The universe insists, most adamantly, that we learn how to do it all by ourselves. Gnosis, spiritual attainment, esoteric wisdom. Whatever you want to call it. No cheating, no looking at your friend's paper, no plagiarising - you must do your own thing in your own way. Otherwise, we are compelled to repeat the same tests over and over again, through multiple lifetimes, until we finally figure it out. So you have to do the homework. Sharpen your blade. Keep moving. Fortunately, there is no time limit and everyone’s ascendant path is custom-built for their own unique growth pattern. In spiritual terms, it’s a win-win situation.

To help penetrate the all-pervading mists of the illusion, one must first acknowledge that consciousness is not the accidental and purposeless by-product of the human condition. The perceived world that we appear to be locked inside, like the silver ball in a pinball machine, is wholly a construct of consciousness. The pinball constructs the machine around itself. Whilst a testing notion for even the most elastic of modern philosophical minds, it has been known for aeons by the ancient mystical traditions and experienced directly by the indigenous shamanic cultures of every continent. Now, it is being evoked again as a progressive scientific theory in quantum physics. It is not new information we are bringing to mind, not by any means. It is better described as a remembrance.

If you trace the origins of the major monotheistic organized religions back far enough, it becomes clear that they were never designed to help the individual grow and develop. They were there to control land, dictate moral and social norms and separate the common man from his divine heritage. Higher consciousness, personal freedom and spiritual communion, far from being the core elements of their basic mystical teachings, were concepts firmly discouraged by the various priest castes. In their place, the disempowering qualities of submission, victimhood, repression and guilt became the preferred tenets of worshipful compliance.

Complete post here.

The Galactic Butterfly - by Templates para novo blogger