No ice??... Save the Polar Bears!! =(

Saturday, June 28, 2008

So... people who don't want to believe, might say this is cyclical thing, and yes it might be, however it is going to start affecting us in our own daily lives, and some of us will be blind to see the changes, and some of us will just see the signs...

Poor polar bears....

So what would really happen?

"Another warming ocean event that scientists are studying closely is the migration of king crabs. Marine remotely operated vehicles have captured photos of these giant crabs on the Antarctic Slope, where underwater land starts to rise up to the southernmost continent.It's the first time in tens of millions of years that these predators have appeared that close to Antarctica."

" "In Antarctica, as the air temperature warms up, the humidity rises and the ability of snowfall to occur increases," McClintock said. That snowfall can affect the mortality of penguin eggs."

Ice self collapse: What does it mean?

North Pole May Be Ice Free for First Time This Summer
"We're actually projecting this year that the North Pole may be free of ice for the first time [in history],"

(CNN) -- The North Pole may be briefly ice-free by September as global warming melts away Arctic sea ice, according to scientists from the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado.

"It's not cyclical at this point. I think we understand the physics behind this pretty well," he said. "We've known for at least 30 years, from our earliest climate models, that it's the Arctic where we'd see the first signs of global warming. "It's a situation where we hate to say we told you so, but we told you so," he said.

North Pole could be ice-free this summer, scientists say.

Pale Blue Dot

Friday, June 27, 2008

Seen from 6.4 billion kilometres away, Earth is a dot obscured in a beam of scattered sunlight (pinpointed by artificial blue circle).

Seen from 6.4 billion kilometres away, Earth is a dot obscured in a beam of scattered sunlight (pinpointed by artificial blue circle).

Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader", every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there-on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.

The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds.

Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.

The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand.

It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.

Pale Blue Dot

Still time to get ready!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

So... i wonder what people are going to start doing the next 4 years... I thought i was the only crazy one!...

Thousands of Dutch people are buying boats and rations and building bunkers to await an apocalypse predicted by the Maya of South America.
More here...

New nuclear peril brings Doomsday closer

The world is closer to apocalypse because of climate change and nuclear proliferation, Professor Stephen Hawking and other prominent scientists warned yesterday as the hand of a symbolic Doomsday Clock moved two minutes closer to midnight.

The clock, devised at the dawn of the nuclear age, made official what many now feel in their bones — that mankind is heading for catastrophe.
"We foresee great peril if governments and societies do not take action now," said Prof Hawking.
More here...

8 Rules For Surviving The Apocalypse

Haha! well i thought this is was fun, the complete article even comes with examples of everything (movie clips!)

Things like...
Bring your pet
Never be the first
Dont barricade yourself
Do not go back for the loved ones...

Gheck out the clips! Link here.

The effect of the Solar storms on our lives

Monday, June 23, 2008

The onset of a new solar cycle is significant because of our increasingly space-based technological society.

"Solar storms can disable satellites that we depend on for weather forecasts and GPS navigation," says Hathaway. Radio bursts from solar flares can directly interfere with cell phone reception while coronal mass ejections (CMEs) hitting Earth can cause electrical power outages. "The most famous example is the Quebec outage of 1989, which left some Canadians without power for as much as six days."

Air travel can be affected, too.

Every year, intercontinental flights carry thousands of passengers over Earth’s poles. It's the shortest distance between, say, New York and Tokyo or Beijing and Chicago. In 1999, United Airlines made just twelve trips over the Arctic. By 2005, the number of flights had ballooned to 1,402. Other airlines report similar growth.

"Solar storms have a big effect on polar regions of our planet," says Steve Hill of the Space Weather Prediction Center. "When airplanes fly over the poles during solar storms, they can experience radio blackouts, navigation errors and computer reboots all caused by space radiation." Avoiding the poles during solar storms solves the problem, but it costs extra time, money and fuel to "take the long way around."

Science NASA

The Inner Child

The video is in spanish but it has english subtitles.

Effect of the moon on a man.

Friday, June 20, 2008

I have always been fond of the moon and nature… (not frogs and snakes….haha!) so every month when there is a full moon I feel relaxed and I just love looking at it whenever I can. The best moons are the ones towards the end of the year, the October moon is awesome…

So I was wondering on how really the Moon affects us as humans, and I found this interesting article:

The frequencies emanating from the Moon affect the frequencies of the mental body, i.e. mind of human beings. By ‘mind’ we mean our feelings, emotions and desires. The mind consists of the conscious mind and the sub-conscious mind. Within the sub-conscious mind we have a number of impressions that are embedded that decide our basic nature and personality. We are however not aware of the thoughts or impressions in our sub-conscious mind. These impressions get collected over a number of lifetimes.

These impressions in our mind are the catalysts for all our thoughts and subsequent actions. Both the impressions and our thoughts have their own subtle frequencies.”

“However on a full moon day as the moon frequencies are more active, a heightened activity of the mind is observed

“However for most people the thoughts are random. If there are a number of dominant personality defects such as anger, greed, etc. then they too may surface and dominate our thoughts during this period. For example an alcoholic will get more thoughts about the need to drink alcohol on this day.”

It is also possible to awaken thoughts about Spirituality that lie inert in the sub-conscious mind of a spiritual person by taking advantage of the heightened mind activity and by increasing spiritual practice on a full moon day.”

Effect of the moon on a man.

2008 Democratic National Convention

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

"The 2008 Democratic National Convention will be held from August 25 to August 28 at the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado. At its convention, the Democratic Party will nominate its candidates for President and Vice President of the United States. By virtue of his lead among elected delegates and superdelegates, it is presumed Barack Obama will receive the nomination for President." source.

Denver Cops Stock Up On “Non-Lethal” Weapons for DNC
“Denver police are stocking up on guns that fire a pepper spray-like substance instead of bullets — a less-lethal weapon used to disperse crowds — in advance of the Democratic National Convention,”

Military choppers fly over Denver during top secret drill
"A military spokesman, though insisted to the Rocky Mountain News that the military drills were unrelated to planning for the convention, which is expected to draw thousands of protesters as did the 2004 party conventions in Boston and New York."

Martial Law Exercises Continue in Denver

"Re-Create 68 has promised demonstrations that will rival those at the notorious Democratic convention in Chicago held in 1968, which was accompanied by street battles between police and anti-Vietnam War demonstrators."

Destiny VS Free Will

So i was talking with someone from work... about destiny, she says she is curious about having the tarot cards read but then she says, what if he tells me something and i just make it happen with my thoughts, what if i just attract everything to me?.

So we made a deal... she is going with a guy who reads the tarot cards and she is going to be listening to her past and present, but her future a frind of her is going to write it down (without her listening to it) and is going to put it away... and 6 months from now she is going to read the paper and see if whatever happened to her was what the tarot cards said, to know if whatever was there, was meant to happen or not.

So what I think is, there is a destiny... there are 3-4 big lessons in life we come to learn and if we dont learn them then those lessons are passed down to our next life. However that we get to choose how to learn them, we get to choose our friends, and schools, our studies, our likes and dislikes... we get to choose our everyday living matters...

On an article on a website called Spiritual Research i found that our lives and composed by those 2 important factors:

  • The popular western view is that we are in control of our lives and everything that happens to us is as a result of our own choice.

  • On the other hand the popular eastern view is that every thing that happens to us is not under our control and we are nothing but puppets in a preordained plan.

Destiny 65% vs Wilful action 35%

However neither of these views are completely correct. The answer according to the science of Spirituality is that in the present times 65% of our lives are ruled by destiny and 35% by willful action.

But we can overcome the 65% of our destiny part, by using the 35% of our willful action to undertake the correct spiritual practice.

Link here.

4 Movies about 2012...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Ok so... was doing a little search for a movie i saw the other day at the "pulga" and found out that there is a lot more movies about 2012 that are being done and released in the next couple years. It should be interesting what they say about all this...

From the little teaser trailer of the Michael Bay's movie... I think I will enjoy seeing it, but then again is Hollywood... !!

Movie: 2012
Paramount Pictures
Director: Tom Dey
..."the movie will be about a family vacation during that fateful month when, according to the Mayan calendar, and some UFO theorists, something devastating is expected to take place. 2012 will be written by Tom Astle and Matt Ember, and it will probably be directed by Tom Dey -- all three of whom were responsible for Failure to Launch."

Movie: 2012 Doomsday (already released in 2008)
Director: Nick Everheart
..."Four strangers on a journey of faith are drawn to an ancient temple in the heart of Mexico on December 21, 2012. For the Mayans it is the last recorded day. For NASA scientists it is a cataclysmic polar shift. For the rest of us, it is Doomsday."


Movie: 2012 (to be released on 2009)
Director: Roland Emmerich
Actors: John Cusack
With the Mayan calendar ending in 2012, a large group of people must deal with natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, typhoons and glaciers"

Movie: 2012: The War for Souls (to be released in 2010)
Director: Michael Bay
Warner Bros
..."Transformers director Michael Bay is eyeing sci-fi author Whitley Strieber’s forthcoming novel 2012: The War for Souls."
..."Apparently, 2012 will be a big year for planet Earth, at least according to many folk traditions: 2012 is suppossedly to be a year of either great spiritual transformation — or apocalypse. The Mayan calendar held that it would be a time when the existing world order would be reversed. Nostradamus forecasted that a rather large comet would rudely arrive on Earth’s doorstep no later than 2012. The Roman Catholic Saint Malachy predicted that in 2012, the last Pope would arrive, triggering Judgment Day. And in both “The X Files” and amongst certain UFO theorists, 2012 is the year aliens invade Earth. Even regular, non-nutty scientists also speculate that in 2012 a polar reversal will take place on carth, and that once the earth starts rotating in the opposite direction, natural disasters of unknown proportions may occur."
Link 1, Link 2


Reincarnation / Reencarnacion........

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I used to not believe in this... I don't know why I had this romantic idea about once you passed away you go to heaven and reunited with those people you love; that is of course until I started to do research and grow spiritually. I still wish I had this romantic idea of passing away and meeting all those people I love, and even my dogs!... wouldn't that just be amazing? However.... if we make mistakes, lots and lots of them.... hmm, ok let me correct myself, if we are unaware of the consequence of our actions at any given moment in our lives... how can we correct and learn from them if its not coming back to the flesh once again?.

I found this article where they make comparisions with
Abraham Lincoln, and John Kennedy and how they lived lives so similar that it can only mean they may be the same soul in 2 different bodies; However what really caught my attention was the beginning of the research where they talk about reincarnation and here is some of what it says:

" A good analogy of the way reincarnation works can be found in the movie "Groundhog Day" starring funny man Bill Murray. In the movie, Bill Murray played a man who suddenly discovered that he's continuously reliving the same day over and over again. Every day was identical to the one before it with the same events happening and the same people saying the same things. The only difference was the man played by Bill Murray who remembered all the previous days and therefore learned to adapt to his strange situation.

" The allegory to reincarnation is how, with each succeeding lifetimes, we must face the same situations and problems that we did in previous lives until we learn from them and overcome them by finally "getting it right." Where reincarnation differs from the movie analogy is that, unlike Bill Murray's character, we do not retain our memories of previous lifetimes at the conscious level. We enter each lifetime with a "clean slate" at the conscious level."

"So this is why it is said that history tends to repeat itself. And those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Concerning divine justice, Jesus said that those who "live by the sword will die by the sword." This is an excellent definition of "karma" and it means that those who do not overcome their problems in one lifetime will have to face these same problems in a future lifetime."

For the complete article click here.

The Black Sun, The Number 13, and 2012 / The Third Eye, Crowned Sun, or Seat of the Soul

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

This video talks about the importance of number 13 in the aztec and mayan calendaras, as well as what is the black sun and a little bit of 2012.

And this one talks about the third eye... very interesting article!!!...

The Mark of the Beast / La marca de la bestia...???

Pues segun el libro de "Left Behind" la marca de la bestia es cuando el gobierno te hace que te pongas un microchip o una marca para poder realizar cualquier transaccion monetaria, o para que puedan vigilar todos y cada uno de tus movimientos...

Ese libro salio a la venta en el 1995.... no tan lejos estaban ellos de pensar que esto pudiera ser verdad.

Aqui a continuacion un articulo sobre el grupo Bilderberg y su plan por implantar un microchip a todos los norteamericanos. Pero lo peor es como ahora vamos a encontrar terroristas "gueros y de ojos azules" para que el tipico estereotipo del terrorista cambien................. creando pavor en todos los aeropuertos o demas.... estan tratando de que dudes ahora incluso de tu propio vecino!, esto claro con el afan de que la misma gente apoye el poder poner los microchips y que la intimidad de las personas sea totalmente nula.

Estan manipulando a las personas, para que ellas mismas sean las que PIDAN al gobierno que las esclavize....

Para leer el articulo completo, darle click aqui.

Ataque de EU a Iran, durante el verano

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Al parecer... va a ocurrir justo como lo habian dicho, antes de que termine su govierno... y luego! a declarar ley marcial y a posponer las elecciones?



God is too big for one religion / Dios es demasiado grande para una sola religion.

.... y si no... chequen esta imagen:

Para mas imagenes sigue este link.

What is Ascension?

Here is a very interesting article about ASCENSION and what might happen on 2012... if you want to go ahead and read the whole thing, follow this link.

Pieces from the article:

What is Ascension? Print E-mail
Is It Real? If So, Am I Gonna Make It?

By David Wilcock 9/26/03

Is “all this Ascension stuff” for real, or is it just the imbecile fantasy of people deeply divorced from reality? Here is what the media never tells you, at least not all at once.

We all know that the Earth is experiencing global warming and other changes, whether the petroleum giants like it or not. Just read the headlines.

In the Law of One series, this forthcoming Ascension event is said to propel the earth into a state that will be considered one hundred times more harmonious than life on Earth is at present, which would be a definite improvement… a world where, as the Master Jesus once said, “As I do these things, so shall ye do them, and greater things…” (Holy Bible, John 14:12)

The next question is this: Do we just sit back and wait for the “cosmic magic carpet ride,” or does personal ambition and participation have something to do with what we will experience as this interplanetary evolution completes itself?

The Law of One series and many other sources, including my own, tell us that we DO have to prepare for this event. Though some might groan as if hearing a bad punchline, the secret is that “it’s all about spiritual growth in the end.” In order to “make the Ascension”, we have to achieve an above 50-percent motivation towards “service to others,” or the positive path, as opposed to “service to self,” or the negative path.

What IS Service to Others, exactly? How does one practice it to the best of one’s own ability, especially if you are trying to do more than just meet the minimum requirements?At times, the Service to Others path is said to be the path of unity, seeing all others as the self, whereas the Service to Self path is said to be the path of separation, seeing the self as above all others. Here is the exact quote that emerged in the Law of One series when the questioner asked Ra for more detail as to the best way to follow the service to others path:

The best way to be of service to others is the constant attempt to seek to share the love of the Creator as it is known to the inner self. This involves self-knowledge and the ability to open the self to the other-self without hesitation. This involves, shall we say, radiating that which is the essence or the heart of the mind/body/spirit complex.

Osho - La Mente Quieta / The Unwavering Mind

Monday, June 9, 2008

Para mas informacion

Acabo de terminar de leer este micro libro, el primer libro que leo de Osho... lo compre porque soy una persona que tiene siempre mil cosas en la cabeza. Aqui les dejo con algunas frases de libro para que se animen a comprarlo.

"La mente es justo como un espejo, cualquier cosa a la que te apegues se fija en el espejo"
"El cuerpo siempre sigue a la mente... y si tu mente se apega a la idea, entonces el cuerpo reacciona de esa manera"
"Cuando puedes retener un pensamiento por largos periodos de tiempo te vuelves amo, y si puedes retenerlos tambien puedes dejarlos"
"La fijacion de la mente te dara un ojo penetrante. Ese ojo se ha conocido en el mundo del ocultismo como el tercer ojo"
"La cuestion no es leer mucho, la cuestion es leer muy poco pero leer profundamente. La profundidad es lo importante porque en la profundidad se esconde la calidad"
"Solo el trabajo verdadero en ti mismo, solo una disciplina espiritual, te ayudara a crecer, te dara un crecimiento en el cual el vislumbre no es algo forzado sino algo natural"
"Porque es el bien indefinible al igual que la belleza? porque no existen como un hecho en el mundo, es una interpretacion. Depende de la mente."
"Cualquiera que tenga mente esta loco de una forma u otra. La mente ES locura."
"Capas de pensamientos te ocultan de la realidad y ocultan la realidad de ti."

What is the galactic butterfly?

The Galactic Butterfly is an ancient Mayan symbol said to represent all of the consciousness that's ever existed in our galaxy. The consciousness of living things. Including animals, plants and humans etc. The consciousness that organized raw materials into a whirling disk of stars, planets and solar systems.

Hunab Ku was, to the Mayans, the supreme God and ultimate Creator and was located in the center of the Milky Way galaxy. It represented the gateway to other galaxies beyond our Sun as well as all of the consciousness that has ever existed in this, our own galaxy.

So this is my first post of this blog, a blog I'm going to be using to share the knowledge i am gaining as I try to open my consciousness and try to find a balance in life (material and spiritual).

Spiritual world meaning... me trying to find my inner God and trying to open up my spirit to that connection to the wholeness, as well as the curiosity that has lately sparkled in me about the use of magic and karma.

The Galactic Butterfly - by Templates para novo blogger